Managing Your Finances During A Divorce

divorce attorneysThe separation of finances is never an easy process, especially when you and your soon to be ex-spouse were together for a long time, or if there are a high number of assets involved. This is why, when facing divorce, it is important that you stay on top of your finances and take steps to protect yourself and your interests as you move forward.

We’ve written out a few key pieces of advice that can help you make savvy financial decisions as you work towards the finalization of your divorce. Keeping these pointers in mind should help place you in a solid position where you are prepared to tackle the challenges that your divorce proceedings will entail.

Track All Your Spending

One of your highest priorities should be to sort out a post-divorce budget. Track everything you spend on, including routine but unexpected expenses such as car maintenance. Having a solid and realistic budget can also help the judge split debt and assets accordingly.

Keep Your Important Documents In Order

This is sure to be a tedious process, but you want to have a paper trail of everything important that you want to bring up during your proceedings. This includes bank statements, mortgage documents, loan records, and more. The more documentation you can secure before your proceedings are finalized, the better.

Assume There Will Be Pushback

As pleasant as amicable divorces might be, the fact is that most divorce proceedings are conflict-filled affairs. Even in cases where you feel you are working in tandem with your soon to be ex-spouse for a common goal, you are better off being prepared for the possibility of pushback, rather than being caught completely off-guard.

Seek Assistance from a Qualified Professional

Above all, be sure to have a skilled divorce attorney on your side, someone who can help protect our interests during each step of the process. Don’t try to rely on general advice on your own research when it comes to such sensitive affairs, go with trusted and reputable professionals.

We hope this post was enlightening, if a bit broad in its scope. For more specific advice, and to learn more about how the skilled divorce attorneys at Rubin & Levavi, P.C. can help you with your divorce and family law matters in California, be sure to call our office at your earliest convenience.