Divorce and Social Media: Proceed With Caution!

divorce attorneysIn an increasingly-electronic world, we typically don’t think twice about posting our thoughts and sharing pictures on the internet. Although there are many benefits to social media, including the ability to connect with others in seconds, it also has the potential to create unexpected issues in regards to divorce and matters relating to family law.

The “rub” often lies in the fact that everything online is easily accessible, making it valuable evidence that can be used in court. Privacy settings don’t shield you from prying eyes as much as you might hope either, as social networks often allow unintended recipients such as friends of friends to see your posts and other online interactions.

This blog post highlights a few key points that we think everyone should keep in mind, especially if you are facing any type of family law matter in California. For more specific discussions and in-depth assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us at Rubin & Levavi, P.C.

Think Before You Hit Submit

This one should be obvious, yet we see this mistake crop up all the time. Are you comfortable with a judge viewing what you’re about to post or share? If not, then your best bet is to avoid uploading your content altogether.

Minimize Posts About Relationships

People move on, and while this is normal, posting or oversharing about a new relationship can lead to unexpected consequences in your divorce or other family law proceedings. Opposing counsel will jump at the opportunity to seek higher spousal support, and even when this is not the case, dragging your new partner into your family law dispute is never a good idea.

Be Mindful of Morally-Questionable Content

Likewise, any selfies or other type of content that includes questionable material such as racial slurs, drug use, and any type of criminal activity is highly irresponsible. This is the type of content that can have a dire impact your child custody or visitation arrangements and should be avoided altogether.

Overall, the best practice is to simply stay off of social media, or maintain a minimal presence if you must remain connected. That being said, we at Rubin & Levavi, P.C. are here to help, and if you need to speak with a qualified family law attorney, you should not delay In reaching out to us.

Call our offices today to schedule a free initial consultation, and to learn more about how we can help with your divorce and family law matters in California.