Virtual Visitation: An Alternative for Parents who Can’t Always Visit in Person

family law lawyerAfter a divorce, the biggest challenge faced by parents and children is the separation that they have to endure, especially when one parent has moved a large distance away. This distance can get in the way of a parenting plan. Even though you and your ex-spouse might have established a solid co-parenting arrangement, physical distance is always a logistical nightmare.

Fortunately, parents who don’t get to see their children as much as they would like can now resort to a few alternative approaches. Thanks to ever-improving technology, parents can now opt for virtual visitation. This blog examines how virtual visitation works and provides a few pointers to be mindful of. As always, remember to reach out to us at Rubin & Levavi, P.C. for more detailed or tailored advice.

 How Does Virtual Visitation Work?

Virtual visitations are “visits” and interactions that take place online. Parents and children can arrange for these virtual meetups via cellphones or computers equipped with webcams, and through platforms such as Skype, Facetime, social media, and more. Other venues of communication, such as texts, instant messages, and e-mail can further help bridge the distance gap.

Virtual visitation allows parent to be involved with their children’s lives, even when distance or long-term separation is an issue. These days, millions of parents use technology to play games with their children, help them with their homework, read them a bedtime story, “attend” important events, and more.

Virtual Visitation can be Part of An Effective Parenting Plan

While it is still important for parents to spend time with their children in person when possible, virtual visitation remains an effective way for separated parents to maintain a strong relationship with their children. In California, you can include virtual visitation as part of your child custody arrangements and parenting plan. Just be aware that the other parent needs to be able to enjoy virtual visits with the kids as well, particularly any time they might be staying with you for any extended period of time.

At Rubin & Levavi P.C., we help parents draft effective parenting plans on a regular basis. We also provide expert legal counsel on a variety of matters relating to divorce, child custody, and family law in California. To learn more, we invite you to contact our office directly, where you can schedule a free initial consultation with a knowledgeable family law attorney.